This guide will assume that you already have renewed your race (or created a brand new one), and have Divisions created for it.


This feature allows you to import a number of participants from different sources. If you need to add entrants one at a time, see the guide on how to manually enter participants. If you need to import changes for your entire database, see the guide on how to use the process as changes and ignore duplicates features.

Found in Import > Participants > Imp


The Race Director allows users to import data in mass from multiple different sources.

Race Director Export File

This option is used when you want to import a range of participants, by bib number,  from a secondary (slave) computer.  The only information you provide is the name of the file saved using the export operation on the initial computer.

This function works in conjunction with the “Exp” feature found on the Update Participants Toolbar here:


This will create a native Race Director database file that you can load into Race Director as a “Race Director Export File”.

The most common use of export / import is entering race-day registrations on multiple computers.  In this process, one computer is designated as the master computer and the other computers are the slave computers.  Just prior to race day, all computers (master and slave) are set up to contain all pre-registered participants.  This is accomplished using the File - Backup option on the master computer and the File - Restore option on the slave computers.  All computers are used on race day to enter last minute registrants.  When all participants have been entered, the Export option is taken from each of the slave computers.  It is important that only the range of participants entered on race day is selected in this operation.  Usually, the export is done to a flash drive that is then used during the import operation on the master computer.

Other Sources

Use this option for importing participant data from other sources into the active race.  Other sources can include delimited ASCII (Tab Delimited TXT or Comma Delimited CSV), Excel or Lotus files.

Step 1

Identify the type of import and locate the file.  When you select "Text" as the Type of Import File and then use the selection for "Special Character" in Delimited By, you will be prompted for the character used in the data imported that separates each data element. Chose “Comma” for a CSV file, and “Tab” for a TXT file.


Step 2

This screen shows a record contained within the file selected in step 1.  Initially, the first record is shown.  If this record does not contain actual data, increment the counter at the bottom of the screen.  Once actual participant data is showing in the grid, position the mouse pointer in the space next to a field you want included in the import.  Left click on this area and a drop-down list will appear of available field references for the mapping.  

For example if the first field is a participant's first name, assign "First Name" from the drop-down list.  Continue with this process until all information you want is mapped.

Mapping Template - Store / Import - These options allow for you to store all of the mappings for retrieval later.  When you store the mapping, you are asked to provide a two digit save code - allowing you to store up to 99 different mappings per race.  Once you've saved the mappings, they can be retrieved the next time you do an import simply by selecting from the "Mapping Template" drop down control.  The "Import Template" button allows you to retrieve into the active race import mappings that you saved on another race.

Map from Headers - When the first row of the spreadsheet contains column headers, you will see an additional button appear.  When you use this button, an attempt will be made to examine the wording used in each column header to see if a logical "guess" can be made as to which Race Director field should be mapped.  For example, if the column header is "L Name", the mapping will automatically become "Last Name".  Once established, any of the automatic mappings can be adjusted by selecting the correct value from the field drop-down list.

Step 3

You will not be allowed to proceed to step 3 until Last Name, First Name, Gender and Age have been mapped. If you have your race tailored to allow zero ages (Tailor -> Options -> Part Info 2), you are not required to have a mapping for age.  

This step shows, for confirmation purposes, the information formatted as you've specified it for the first record.  If the mapping looks correct, click the Build button.  The system will then confirm that several important rules have been followed.  These rules are outlined in the considerations shown above.  

If there are no critical errors within the data being imported, you will see a count of the participants imported.

Online Sources

The Race Director integrates directly with multiple online registration systems to allow users to import registrations directly from each of these sources


  • ChronoTrack Live








  • Xact

Please see the Getting Started Guides to learn how to integrate with your registration platform.

Ignore Duplicates

Check this when you want the import to ignore situations where you are importing a participant who has the same name as someone already entered in the race.  When left unchecked, you will be given a prompt whenever a duplicate participant is encountered in the import giving you the choice of including the duplicate or skipping the duplicate.  In the event that participants that seem to be duplicates are encountered, a report is generated at the end of the import to show all potential duplicates.

Process As Changes

Use this setting if the data being imported is to be applied to participant data that is already set up in Race Director.  One of the columns on the import spreadsheet must be either bib number or online registration ID.

Team from Other Race

This option is to allow for importing all team participants from another race – team by team.  When this option is taken, you will be asked the race number and team number to copy from and what you would like the beginning bib number to be in the current race.  The team number will be retained from the race the team is copied from.  The team data (description, etc) will be copied along with all team participants.  It is not required that the team is set up in the new race, but the team classification must exist.  Team participants will be set up with the same division number in the new race as they had in the race the data is copied from.

Do Not Extend from MP

Check this when you want the import to ignore information already known about this participant on the Master Participant file.  When left unchecked, the import process will fill in any missing information found on the Master Participant file but not contained in the import.  For example, if the participant has an email address on the Master Participant file, but that information is not included in the import, the email address from the Master Participant file is extended into the imported data.

Assign Bib By Division

You will only see this option if the race is tailored for having bib ranges by division - See Tailor -> Options -> Participant Data.  There must be a completely unique bib number range assigned to each division for this setting to work.  Once set, the next available bib number within each division range will be assigned as you import participants.  Since there is always a chance that all the numbers within any bib number range may be used up in a given import, you must specify a bib number in Step 3 of the import in a range outside of all division ranges.  This bib number starting point will be used in the event that there are no longer numbers available within the division's range.

Birth Dates

Often, imported data will contain a column for the age and another column for the birth date.  When participant data is imported and a birth date exists, the import process will always calculate the age based on whatever has been established as the Age Calculation Date for this race. The setting on this screen lets you determine what to do about problems when the imported age does not agree with the age calculated using the imported birth date and the Age Calculation Date for this race.  

If you're using the setting to calculate the age from the birth date, there's an additional setting - "Use imported age when birth year is current year".  A fairly common mistake by registrants is to give the current year instead of their birth year - this setting assumes that the entered age is probably more accurate in this case.

If you're using the setting to use the imported age, there's an additional setting - "Use calculated age when imported age is zero".  This will only be done when a valid birth date is present in the imported data.