Getting Started

This guide assumes that you already have created a new Race, and have set up the Divisions that you need to create age groups for, and will cover the basic setup of Age Groups for your Race. For more information on some of the other features found in the “Age Group Setup Screen”, please see the Help link at the lower left corner of the dialog.

Age groups are assigned to each division individually, so it is important to understand that if you have the same age groups in each Division, you would need to set up Age Groups in each of those Divisions separately.

To begin, navigate to “Tailor” > “Divisions” and select the first Division that you would like to assign Age Groups to from the “Current Divisions” section, then select the “Update Age Groups” button from the button group in the right sidebar.


By default, The Race Director will create two Age Group bands. One for all Males (ages 0-99) and one for all Females (ages 0-99). For any races who break down their awards by age group we will need to create new Age Groupings that will overwrite these default ones. There are two ways to add age groups, a Single Insert that will allow you to define each band individually, or a Group Insert which will allow you to create a rule that will create a set of Age Groups automatically.

Copy Age Groups

Race Director allows you to easily Copy Age Groups from either another Gender or another Division.

From Gender

This function allows you to copy all Age Bands present in one gender to another gender in the same Division.


From Division

This function allows you to copy Age Bands from one Division to the currently selected Division by providing the Division Number that you would like to copy Age Bands from.


Insert Age Groups

Single Insert

When you select to do a Single Insert a new screen will show on the left hand side of the Age Group Setup Screen that will allow you to define fields to set up a single age band.

Note: you should always set up an age band for 0 to 0 to capture anyone who you are missing an age for so that they do not end up in the youngest age category by mistake


You’ll need to start by clicking the “Single Insert” button, which will bring up a new screen on the left hand side of the Age Group Setup Screen. First enter in the Gender of the Age Band that you are setting up, then define the Age Group that you would like setup for this band.

At this point you can also add in the “Number of Awards” which will mark the first X finishers as award winners in their respective category. There is a feature in the Age Groups Report that allows you to limit the output to just award winners - perfect for awards presentations where you do not want to print out all of your finishers in each age category.

Range Insert

You can also define Age Groups by setting a rule using the Range Insert feature. You will need to provide a few values in order to create a rule:

  1. Gender

  2. Beginning Age - The lowest age in the first Age Group that you would like to create

  3. Age Group Span - The “size” of each Age Group. Age Groups are commonly referred to as “5 Year Age Groups” or “10 Year Age Groups” and you would enter in 5 and 10 respectively to create these sizes of Age Groups

  4. Number to set up - The amount of bands that you are creating with the same Age Group Span.

So if you enter in 20 for the Beginning Age, 10 for the Age Group Spane, and 5 for the Number to set up, you would end up with the following age groups

Male 19 & Under

Created automatically from any ages before the Beginning Age value

Male 20 to 29

First Age Group Span - Starting at the value set in Beginning Age

Male 30 to 39

Second Age Group Span - Beginning Age + Number to Set Up

Male 40 to 49

Third Age Group Span

Male 50 to 59

Fourth Age Group Span

Male 60 to 69

Fifth Age Group Span

Male 70 and Over

Created automatically from any remaining ages over the last age band


Browse Age Groups

This function gives you a grid view of all age groups in the selected division.

This is the easiest way to assign Award Winners, Wave Offsets, and Wave Groups (if you have Wave Offsets Enabled by Participant)